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Monday 14 March 2011

Nokia 888

The Nokia Benelux Design Awards winner project was the Nokia 888. The man behing the design was Tamer Nakisci FROM Turkey. Tamer says his Nokia 888 "is a mobile device designed FOR freedom AND fun. You can change its form according TO your needs".

The phone gives information on what´s happening (reports OF incoming call) by changing shape. The USER interface OF the Nokia 888 works entirely without keyboard. The phone IS ONLY 0,5 cm thick! There IS a nice video ON the Design Awards site if you ARE interested TO find out MORE. AND you can win a trip TO my country by answering SOME questions ON the site...

This IS NO rumor, but rememeber it IS a design award AND NOT a phone that will hit the market before christmas...

The Nokia 888 IS a light communication device. You can change the form OF the phone - You can carry it IN your pocket OR ON your wrist. You can roll AND bend it. It also makes SOME form changes that makes it MORE ergonomical - WHEN you want TO talk ON the Nokia 888 phone, the body form turns INTO the form OF the good old telephone.

Nokia 888 cell phone
Pictures: http://www.designawards.nl/

Tamer Nakisci explains:

Technologies used 
It uses liquid battery, speech recognition, flexible touch screen, touch sensitive body cover which lets it understand AND adjust TO the environment. It has a simple programmable body mechanism so that it changes forms IN different situations.

The design
You dont have TO carry the Nokia 888 IN your pocket OR ON your wrist. You can carry it anywhere, IN anyform. You can roll it, bend it, put ON your clothes LIKE a clip. It also makes SOME form changes that makes it MORE ergonomical: i.e. WHEN you want TO talk ON the phone, the body form turns INTO the form OF the good old telephone. You can personalize these forms AND record them. So it fits you the best IN the way that you have chosen. The functions that it has also CREATE a feeling OF electronical pet, AS it senses your moves, understand what you want, respond you IN the best way. It learns you, TO fit you better.Also e-motions lets you send forms TO the other 888 users. It could be the shape OF a heart OR a small dance. This way you can talk without words.

How the USER interacts
E-motions... It means electronical motions that the Nokia 888 has. You can send AND receive forms FROM / TO friends. You can send a heart shape TO your girlfriend, so her telephone turns INTO an icon OF heart. OR you can send a dancing form TO your friends TO call them TO the party tonight. This IS the fun side OF the product. If we look FROM the functionality side, 888 IS quite flexible. You can put it INTO your pocket, roll it AND make it smaller, OR put ON your wrist WHEN you want TO make a video call ON the GO. If you want TO talk LIKE a normal telephone, there you have your telephone shape. We GO through a lot OF places AND situations IN the daily life, so it seems LIKE one form IS NOT enough.

You can change the form OF the body. NOT just the color. AND you can do the same by sending an e-motion TO your friend. 

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